Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Scrapbook Birthday Invitations


A treat to all of us, mostly women .. the classic mimosa cake, but in miniature version!

I lined the pan with hemispherical molds of Spain, I've brushed with liqueur (I use the Witch), and I have filled with chantilly cream (more cream custard). I made them in the fridge for a couple of hours, and then I covered with crumbs of sponge cake to get the effect "mimosa." Served in a sauce of strawberries are tempting! Ah, do not forget a sprinkle of sugar veil!! Kiss!: *

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sleep Apnea More Condition_symptoms

Women's Day ... gluten free!

do not know if I've already been writing, but my mom has just made aware that celiac. Recently I read about many people who have become in adulthood and perhaps this is due to the modern way to conduct our lives, the type of power or stress that in each of us reaches levels more or less accentuated ... The fact is that the incidence of this disease is greatly increased, and until it is diagnosed, the disorder that causes really are the most diverse, so that often are not recognized as such. My mother has spent years (about 10) when it was really bad, attached to an IV for nourishment e immobilizzata a letto; nessuno riusciva a trovare il motivo di tanta sofferenza e ovviamente nelle nostre menti si alternavano le ipotesi più terribili... Poi finalmente a qualcuno è venuto in mente di fare l'indagine specifica e allora la diagnosi è stata possibile: intolleranza al glutine. Lei ora sta benissimo, non ha più sofferto da quando dalla sua dieta ha bandito il glutine! Ormai in commercio esistono tanti alimenti per celiaci e quindi è abbastanza facile preparare dei pasti completi senza glutine.

Approfittando della sua visita a Parma, la scorsa settimana, ho voluto cimentarmi nella preparazione di qualcosa che festeggiasse le donne, tutte le donne: la Torta Mimosa Gluten Free!

sponge cake Ingredients:
  • 6 eggs 200 g sugar 180 g
  • cornstarch
  • lemon juice
In a container mounted for at least 20 minutes (at least 20, really!) eggs with the sugar using a mixer at high speed. Add the sifted cornstarch and lemon juice, hand stirring gently so as not to dismantle everything. Bake in oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes, without ever opening. Before removing from the oven leave the sponge for 5 minutes inside the oven off and the door ajar.

cream Ingredients:
  • 500 ml of whole milk
  • 125 g sugar 40 g cornstarch
  • 4 egg
  • lemon
Heat the milk in the entire peel of a lemon. Mix egg yolks and sugar, add cornstarch and dilute with warm milk, put everything back on the heat and stir constantly until it thickens.

Assembly cake
  • a can of pineapple slices
  • 250 ml of whipping cream
  • sponge
  • custard
Cut the sponge cake in two and dig the bread from both halves of the internal disks. Wet the base carved with fluid retention in pineapple can. Place small pieces of pineapple on the base and cover with the cream mixed with whipped cream. Install the second disk and proceed as before, with the wetting liquid and cover with pineapple and cream and whipped cream. Spread the cream and whipped cream is also on the sides of the sponge. Shape the bread crumbs with the excised and spread on top and sides of cake. Store in refrigerator for several hours, because when it is compact and easy to cut and flavors are more blended.

Best wishes to all women, I'm sorry for the boys, are the engine of the world!

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are back!

And after a brief period of "inaction" I'm back ... finally take care of my blog!
Forgive me if I have neglected a bit recently, 'many of you may not know, but finally we started with our new adventure .. SALT AND PEPPER our restaurant .. .. I just do not agree! But as soon as I can , a trip to the blog .. I always do as well as a visit to all my friends "bloghini"!
Here is a photo of the cake first "official" made by me in our restaurant ... for the baptism of a child.

What satisfaction! Is a sponge cake filled with whipped cream and shaved dark chocolate, topped with lightly sweetened whipped cream and the decorations were made by me with the dough zucchero.L 'Teddy i palloncini,le scarpine,il bavaglino..e la torta completata!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Best Fortune Investment

E 'Carnival! We speak ...?

This time I wanted to try a book I had on the shelf for a while '... He lay there, motionless, looked like a relic, almost feared ... So many times I wanted to use it, get ideas, but then I blocked a kind of reverence ... then withdrew! Then came the Carnival, and my accomplice disorder which meant I lost the recipe and chatter that came last year were very good, I got to work to seek a new one! I looked a bit 'on the internet, your blog, but then as I read, that's what I thought: "I just want to exaggerate anything a little less awkward this time that Mr. Artusi in person!". I sling on the shelf and do I try to challenge the recipe index ... I can not find now, because he calls the gossip rags! Quick look at the ingredients ... "Ok! If some gets! Artusi to us!"

  • 240 grams of flour 00
  • 20 g butter 20 g
  • sugar 2 eggs 1 tablespoon
  • brandy (I used the lemon)
  • a pinch of salt

Mix all these ingredients form a ball rather than soda, and knead for a while '. Then let it rest for half an hour in a floured cloth. Take it as thinly as possible (I used Granny duck), and cut it with the appropriate wheel creating strips that look like rags (just the rags) on the same drill cuttings to fold or twist them to make the move. Fry in hot oil, being careful because they become so thin dark fast! Sprinkle with powdered sugar once cool!

I am amazed at how much good has come! Better than last year! Should I use more often this book (The science of cooking and the art of eating well) because, although written in 1881 (!!!) recipes do not seem so old! Of course, some ingredients should be replaced (where we would find the flour in Hungary?) But I think we can consider going to consult before going to the stove !
Yay! I made a recipe of Artusi!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Malnad Chetna Suicide

A special event ...

want them to really good initiative that has promoted Viviana . I refer you to his blog for details. I hope you will participate in a lot because, like you, I am convinced that Love can do anything, even the miracles ... Maybe this way I'll feel a little less on the face of the earth ... and it will be nice to think that wherever you are, today at 18:00, we'll all be together for a good cause.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Italian food: fast food and pre-cooked diet dictate

Ecco un interessante articolo apparso sul Giornale di Brescia di lunedì 21 febbraio 2011:

Quando sei fuori casa non affidarti a cibi malsani. Porta sempre con te una barretta formula 1, ottimo sostituto del pasto, al costo di soli 3 Euro! Risparmi e sei sicuro di mangiare sano. Clicca qui per acquistare direttamente online


Cristina Leuzzi
Consulente Specialista del Benessere PsicoFisico

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tendonitis More Condition_symptoms

THE STRESS DIET FAST and fattening

Per smaltire i chili accumulati è meglio procedere calmly, without a drastic reduction in calories.
The risk is to gather more light but for a short time.
A study published in Neuroscience at the University of Pennslylvania warns of yo-yo diets that cause stress resulting in large feasts.
The reason lies in the response that the brain gets used to deliver when the diet is constantly changes.
The study was conducted on mice that some, put on a diet for a few weeks, have lost between 10% and 15% of their weight.
the weight loss was added, however, increased levels of corticosterone, the hormone of stress and depressive-like behavior. Following the same
mice showed a greater voracity.

Cristina Cristina Leuzzi
Special Adviser to the psychological well-being

Friday, February 18, 2011

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The plate of Grandma ... mashed beans

There are courses that will prepare them or try them when they make you take a step back in time. You speak of your grandparents, of a flame and a fire placed in an iron box and kept under the kitchen table, because heat the legs of those who sat at lunch. Methods of the past, now is no longer practiced and that tell of the many sacrifices made to raise children, the happiness of coming home after school to have lunch with their grandparents and enjoy the warmth around the table. The warmth came from the fire but also from the hot dish expertly prepared by the thin, tapered hands Grandma's ... a grandmother, young, blue-eyed, which is not too early. I wish he could see me now, he saw James, I wish they would speak to me and teach me to live enjoying what I have, without looking more and more, she's an orphan as a child and mother, she raised her brothers and then his four children, she always had a smile on her lips, she was preparing those dishes so good that I warmed my belly and my heart ...

You take the dry beans and bring to boil on low heat, with the odors, I used a carrot and a stick of celery, whole onion leaf (so you can then remove), a bunch of parsley, a bay leaf. Towards the end of cooking, that is, after about an hour, I put the salt, I eliminated the smell and I spent all the blender. Serve piping hot, with a bit of extra virgin olive oil raw, wild chicory in conjunction with salting. Here at Parma chicory I did not find it, I crunched some simple tarallini Puglia ... but I doubt that those would be enough to make this dish as a special time ...

Long live love grandparents!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Candidiasis More Condition_symptoms

sleep badly at night. Sleep standing up during the day. What to do?

sleep badly at night. Sleep standing up during the day.
Maybe you're not giving your body the nutrients you need.
I have good news for you: the fault may 'not be yours!
fact, our foods are now low in vitamins, because they undergo different processes and transformations. In addition, we purchase fruit and vegetables are picked unripe to be transported and stored for a long time before being consumed, and considering that develops the majority of vitamins in the last 15 days in the sun on the plant, we understand the why of this situation.
Added to this is that we have less time to prepare food and often we rely on prepackaged foods, which are notoriously low in nutrients, but unfortunately high in calories "empty" fat and sugar.
Add to this the fact that we always do less exercise: we travel by car, we are sitting at a computer, we do not have time or desire to go to the gym in the evening we were again seated in front of the TV with the remote control hand.
The situation is not that great but I have another good news for you. Herbalife
comes to the rescue by offering excellent supplements appear to fill our nutritional deficiencies. To sleep better at night, to be awake and active during the day.
A great benefit is the ideal breakfast HERBALIFE , rich in nutrients and low in calories.
Read more 'visit www.colazioneideale.it

nice day!

Cristina Cristina Leuzzi
Specialist Wellness Consultant

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It 's a life that struggles with the balance?
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How to maintain your ideal weight forever and effortlessly?

The secret is a balanced breakfast.

"Yes, but I only drink a cup of coffee ...."
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If breakfast is not balanced, you will inevitably be more 'hunger in subsequent meals and maintain your ideal weight forever become an impossible task.

I after two years from my Herbalife weight loss diet, I maintain my ideal weight by simply making HERBALIFE balanced breakfast.

For info and to buy click here ->> www.colazioneideale.it


Cristina Cristina Leuzzi
Consultant Specialist Welfare

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bad Swell After Brazillian Wax

Uccia The legendary lady has struck again ... the croquettes!

Good afternoon! How are you? I pretty well although a little 'disappointed climate ... after a week that began to warm up our bones, so the February sun, here it is again returned to the gray typical of northern Italy! :-( And I had already put out my running shoes intent to begin the season of walking at a fast pace! Typically each year the beginning is excellent, going there one day and go off and walking about an hour, then, gradually, the frequency of the same shades ... but this time we thought the time to block the initiative in the bud!
The frequency of asylum James is always better, still whines a little, but not every day! Lunch at times like it and others do not. I start in the morning to get into the swing of this new life and so I can attend to many matters that were concentrated in the first weekend! In short, everyone is gearing, and I'm happy!

's all for you, another of the wonderful recipes of Mrs. Uccia ... the exquisite potato croquettes, or more commonly known as the Salento ... the turnovers of potatoes!


  • 500 g of boiled and mashed potatoes already
  • 1 egg 50 grams of grated cheese (preferably sheep)
  • 100 grams of bread crumbs
  • salt, pepper , fresh mint and parsley

the potatoes add the egg, parsley and chopped mint, salt and pepper, combine the cheese and bread crumbs. Mix quickly and give the desired shape croquettes (which we are made of similar forms in the middle but long sticks, balls or simple). Roll the croquettes in breadcrumbs and deep fry in hot oil until golden. Eating hot! (Up to very hot)! .... gnamm gnamm !!!!....

Friday, February 11, 2011

Gallbladder Attack More Condition_symptoms

Finalmente un po' di sole..

As the title at last a bit 'of sun is good for bones but especially to me to mind.
So finally beginning to prepare a little 'summer of little things ... ops forgot by Monday became part of my little creative corner also a Brother Innovis embroidery if someone advice of any kind or nature are strategic because it is well accepted that start from zero but from double-zero, so any info on yarn textiles + design also trivial for me are vital THANKS. We are always on us
Monday also came the straw bags and then either decided to start to decorate some
here they say that?? kisses to the next

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Baby Arrival Congratulation Wording

Cake Pasticciotto

Hello Internet! What a strange feeling to be at home surrounded by the deafening silence ... They are no longer used to being all alone, without my dwarf that follows me like a shadow, and that makes it so well that silently, at times, turning around, I almost tripped! James is a quiet boy, very quiet. He likes to play on the floor, sitting on the big living room carpet with my finger and I indicates an exact point where the carpet wants me to sit down to stand by him. He loves the building and, when his father built a plane with long wings, he tries and try to make one yourself, then when he's tired of the attempts, and takes a single piece with the hand imitates the flight of ' plane that lives in his imagination ...! Most of the time asking me to build one and then I try, I can never make it as I imagine it (the building pieces are always so few), but for him the result is beautiful! Mother's heart! I wonder if today, asylum, the nanny will help you make the plane of your dreams ...

You know pasticciotti Lecce? Nooo?? So you do have to make up and make a jump down to Lecce to try this wonder of candy! This is a shell of pastry with custard cream inside, with its characteristic oval shape. Recently I happened to find in bars and bakeries, also a chocolate version of pasticciotti that greedily took the color of cocoa and cream in the pastry; guess' what is the name that confectioners have Salento given to these pasticciotti? ... Obama! ... No need to explain why! :-)

few nights ago we went to dinner with friends, a simple dinner, based pizza delivery, just for the sake of seeing and talking a bit '... I did not want to arrive empty-handed so, first asking for advice as a friend on Facebook, I decided to make the cake pasticciotto. I tried the recipe on the net and I happened Blog Elisa that Salento is a girl! Perfect, reliable source! I will give you the recipe as well as she writes:

Preparing pastry
  • 500 gr flour 00
  • 200
  • sugar 3 eggs
  • 150 gr butter
  • peel grated lemon
  • 1 / 2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1 / 2 tablespoon baking
Prepare a pastry in the traditional way, mixing all ingredients quickly and leave to rest in the refrigerator, covered with foil, for the time necessary to prepare the cream.

cream Preparation
  • 1 l whole milk 3 egg yolks
  • 150 grams of flour 250 gr sugar
  • 1 / 2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
She begins to heat the milk and in the meantime, mix all other ingredients, taking care to avoid lumps. Then pour the hot milk and mix well (if filtering should be some lumps), and finally gets back over the heat, stirring until it thickens.

Divide the pastry into two parts and is applied with a rolling pin. It is lining a cake pan (greased and floured), pouring in the warm cream and closes with the other pastry disc, brush the top with egg white. In oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Unfortunately I do not have the photo of the slice of the pie but only dusted with powdered sugar. The friends and partisans have liked the cream I assure you that was very delicate!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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The most classic of classics ... apple pie ... not so classic! The pie

of recipes for preparing the apple pie they exist in large quantities. I noticed running into so many different versions that can be found on the web. Actually I was looking for a recipe that had in it a great quantity of apples, so as to obtain a very moist cake, the taste is decidedly "Melos". I thought I had found the right recipe when I happened to follow an episode of the "Club of the cooks' Alice TV channel, and so I pinned the ingredients. In preparation, however, I became increasingly confused and thought it was wrong to write something ... I found myself, in fact, a blend which at first glance seemed so full of pieces of apple and a component of all the other ingredients, I was afraid it was not enough to keep them together! It was as if I had just dipped each piece of dough classic apple pie, in short, everything was loose, apples tumbling all over me and I was tempted to try a recovery move, adding another egg, etc. .. But then I said, "something will come of it, ill go that I prepared some baked apples with a crust around! "and then I continued with my desire to prepare the cake. Believe me, I did really well! The cake, it was excellent! It was very wet inside and full of apples (but already I suspected). In addition it has been soft for two days, the time that we used to eat all :-)

  • 1 kg of apples (or pears )
  • 100 grams of flour 00
  • 100 grams of butter (wanting to be replaced with 100 grams of vegetable oil)
  • 1 package yeast cake
  • 100 g sugar 1 egg
  • more red
  • the grated rind of one lemon
  • raisins or pine nuts to taste (I've omitted them)
Preparation :
Cut apples into small pieces (I used the golden apples because the recipe does not specify the type, but I think you can also use rennet). Mix all dry ingredients first and then add eggs and butter with electric mixer already mixed together. Bake in oven at 190 degrees for 40 minutes. Unfortunately that is not proof of sticks to check the baking, because it is so rich in apple pie will never be dry inside. Need to adjust a little 'know your oven and checking the color of the cake.

be enjoyed for breakfast (as we did), after lunch (we enjoyed after lunch), a snack (ehm. ... we have also eaten as a snack!. ..) and after dinner (.... yes, even after we ate dinner ...)..... I told you that lasted only 2 days!

ps James has not eaten! He did not like! But this child, to Sometimes I wonder, is it really "child nnoi "???!!

Kisses kisses!

Monday, January 31, 2011

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Ladies and gentleman,ecco a voi la RED VELVET CAKE!!!Ormai chi mi conosce sa del mio amore innato per gli States e per tutto ciò che concerne gli States,e quindi anche le torte americane!
Gli americani in cucina sono una frana,noi italiani We know very well, but what about the pies ... well, the speech is a little different ... they make cakes that are a feast for the eyes and the palate!

I heard for the first time in its red velvet in New York, now more than 3 years ago ... "Red velvet? A red cake, and what is this stuff?" I said to myself and me ... then when I tasted paradise !!!!! ..... and immediately went in search of ricetta.E 'the first time that I do, and I have the vague feeling that it will not be the last mica! try it you too, then I say!

Ingredients: 250 grams of flour

teaspoon salt 20 g cocoa 110 g butter

300 grams of sugar

vanilla 125 ml milk 125 ml plain yogurt

2 tablespoons red food coloring 1 teaspoon baking

for the frosting:
500 g mascarpone cheese 350 ml cream

115gr sugar icing coconut flour to decorate

Sift flour, cocoa and sale.A Whip butter, sugar and eggs and continue to vanillina.Aggiungere montare.In a separate bowl combine milk, yogurt and a dye and mescolare.Aggiungere bit 'of flour to butter mixture, then mix the milk, then more flour, mix milk and so on until the end ingredienti.Aggiungere lievito.Suddividere in the 2 cakes of 23 cm in diameter and bake at 175 degrees for 25-30 min.
Preparare il frosting:montare il mascarpone e aggiungere lo zucchero a velo.Montare la panna e unirla al mascarpone.
Tagliare le torte in 2(quindi avremo 4 strati)e farcirle con la crema.Io l'ho decorata con delle bricioline della torta stessa e della farina di cocco.A presto!!!!!;)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Diabetes More Condition_symptoms

recovery ... and inserting the nest

What busy week draws to a close one ... We managed to get in extremis to the nest town, even though the school year has already begun, and so we started the so-called "inclusion." There was first an interview with the nanny that she would take care of James and I have to say a lot about this meeting was aiming to test the effect that this woman would make me ... We know that we moms we refer to our sixth sense when it comes to our children ... è come se ci spuntassero delle antenne potentissime capaci di rilevare ogni loro malessere e ci basiamo su segnali impercettibili, su sguardi, sensazioni "a pelle"!... Quando abbiamo visto tata Matilde, il primo giorno, devo dire che sono rimasta piacevolmente colpita! Mi si è presentata davanti una signora (non una ragazzina come temevo) un po' cicciottella, con un grosso sorriso, gli occhioni grandi e azzurri e una montagna di capelli biondi e ricci che le arrivavano fino alla schiena! Aveva un modo di fare così tranquillo, e parlava a Giacomo guardandolo negli occhi, scandendo bene le parole, non smettendo mai di sorridere e con il tono di voce pacato che quasi quasi mi ero ipnotizzata io a guardarla! Questo incontro mi ha messo tanta serenità, anche perché ho potuto constatare che gli altri bimbi la cercavano spesso, correvano ad abbracciarla con affetto e lei ricambiava con coccole per tutti! Ieri e oggi sono andata via per mezz'ora lasciando Giacomo con la tata e, come normalmente accade, lui ha pianto vedendomi andare via... Poi oggi al mio ritorno l'ho trovato addormentato tra le sue braccia e questo mi ha fatto capire che si è sentito a suo agio con lei tanto da lasciarsi andare ad un pisolino! Sono contenta per questo piccolo progresso, è una fase critica quella che il piccolo sta vivendo e mi dispiace vederlo piangere per quel senso di abbandono che sente... ma credo che siamo stati fortunati ad essere stati assegnati a Matilde perché a poco a poco lui vivrà il tutto come una bella abitudine e si divertirà insieme a lei e agli altri bimbi!

La ricetta di oggi deriva dal recupero di tutte le verdure del brodo vegetale che preparo spesso per la minestra di Giacomo. Io e Fer ci ritroviamo a dover smaltire carote, patate, zucchine, bieta e tutto ciò che si usa per preparare il brodo, perché Giacomo non ne vuol sapere di mangiare anche le verdure. Poiché ero stufa di ortaggi bolliti (anche poco saporiti in quanto cerco di evitare l'uso eccessivo di sale nelle preparazioni per il piccolo), ho pensato di mettere tutto nel frullatore, di aggiungere un uovo, un pugno di formaggio grattugiato, sale, pepe e noce moscata. Poi, fuori dal frullatore, ho aggiunto anche due wurstel a pezzetti per dare al tortino una spinta in più. Ho messo in forno, in teglia coperta da carta forno, per una mezz'ora a 200 gradi. Il risultato era a metà tra uno sformato di patate e una frittata, e per quella sera abbiamo cenato recuperando gli avanzi !
Vi abbraccio tutti!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Colitis More Condition_symptoms

Studio importance of water

A glass of water takes away the feeling of hunger during the night to nearly 100 % of people on a diet. That 's what a study shows University of Washington.
Lack of water is the number one factor of fatigue that you feel during the day.
Preliminary studies indicate that 8 to 10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain in 80% of people who suffer from these ills.
A mere 2% drop in body water can cause inconsistency in the short-term memory, trouble with math, and difficulty in focusing a computer screen or a printed page.
Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, the risk of breast cancer by 79% and 50% probability of developing cancer of the bladder.
're drinking the amount of water you should drink every day?

Cristina Cristina Leuzzi

Wellness Consultant Specialist Distributor Independent Herbalife

Monday, January 24, 2011

Doseringsschema Lyrics

Dolcetti almond paste

Buon pomeriggio "internauti"! Giacomo sta facendo il suo solito riposino pomeridiano ed io mi sto rilassando un po' gironzolando per il web e sorridendo delle pubblicazioni dei miei amici su facebook... Questi nuovi modi di mettere in contatto la gente sono strani... alle volte si stringono virtual friendships with people who in real life you know only by sight and the great thing is that you get to have a lot in common, so much to ask because before that time there had never exchanged a single word! I do not believe that they are all false reports ... the spirit with which we begin to write, behind that screen, make a substantial difference!

Moving on to the recipe ... You say: "Still Christmas cakes? But Christmas has already passed one month! We are fed up, we're all on a diet!". OK! You're exactly right! I too am sick of Christmas cakes and lavish meals ... but I promise that with this recipe this theme is the latest! Does not seem true to be able to say already in late January, but here today the sun is fantastic and I almost feel that spring is slowly along its path to get from us, and already in my mind ideas of lunches light of ham and melon, grilled vegetables, salads and ice cream ... then trust me, this recipe is the ultimate party!

During the Christmas holidays with my mom I made the almond paste. We have already peeled chopped almonds (1 kg) so very fine, as fine as possible, using a food processor. In order for the final product would be almost powder I recommend chopping small amounts at a time, because this is how the robot works better. Once we have the almond powder mixed with half its weight of sugar (0.5 kg) helping us and we mixed with a sweet liqueur (such as witch). The result is a fairly compact mass. At this point, with one hand, we formed into balls then we spent in the cocoa, with the remaining part we stuffed instead of dried dates, cutting to length and remove the stones. Then, not content of the "low calorie" for each date ... we thought we'd dip half in melted chocolate! Believe me, at Christmas you can, because ne vale davvero la pena!!!!

p.s. unico neo della ricetta: la pasta di mandorla col passare dei giorni si è seccata un po'... chi è esperto di questa preparazione ci ha detto che il motivo è stato di aver usato delle mandorle già spellate, che di per sé sono troppo asciutte! Avremmo dovuto acquistarle con la pelle e lasciarle un po' a bagno nell'acqua molto calda per spellarle a mano! In questo modo si sarebbero idratate leggermente e l'impasto sarebbe venuto più morbido... avete visto la pigrizia che effetto ha avuto...? ? Baciiii!!!

p.p.s. nella foto i dolcetti di pasta di mandorla sono close to butter biscuits I posted some time ago .

Saturday, January 22, 2011

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frosting chocolate cake with orange sauce with a tender heart

Chi non ha mai provato l'irresistibile tentazione di mangiare un pezzo di cioccolato per scaricare le tensioni accumulate durante la giornata o la sensazione di energia che si sprigiona da una tavoletta fondente,consumata dopo lo studio o il lavoro?e chi non ha mai provato la morbidezza e la cremosità di un tortino al cioccolato,accompagnato da una salsina all'arancia,leggermente amarognola che contrasta perfectly with the sweetness of chocolate? Well ... this is for me the apotheosis ... the top .... I cioccolatomane? to me this trick makes you a good mood ... of course, would also come in more than a few pounds macchisenefrega ..... ..... tonight I only eat vegetables ... but this does not give up!!
Well, with that, we go to the recipe!
Ingredients: 2 eggs

3 egg yolks 100 g dark chocolate chopped

100 g butter 120 g sugar 50 g flour

For the sauce:
2 cups orange juice 1 shot of liquor all
orange zest 1 orange
10 g butter 60 g sugar

Melt chocolate in a double boiler burro.Far and cool.
Beat the eggs and the yolks with the sugar, add flour gradually setacciata.Incorporare fuso.Versare the chocolate into the molds and place in greased and floured the freezer for about 3 hours.
preheat the oven to 190 degrees and bake the soufflé for 12-14 minutes, turn them on a platter.
orange sauce: Boil for 3 minutes and scolarle.Sciogliere peel in a saucepan with the butter zucchero.Aggiungere zest and juice and candy leggermente.Versare mescolare.Una When you reach the desired consistency Add the liquor and put out the fire.

Sprinkle the souffle with icing sugar and garnish with the sauce is hot.

With this recipe I participate in the contest:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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Today I felt like preparing the muffins for breakfast tomorrow (tomorrow ?)... reach the cakes soft, scented .. . .... mmmm ideals by Pucci in milk! I called them "mini muffin", but are actually normal size .. "mini" compared to "Jumbo Muffin" we ate for breakfast in the United States were ... something phenomenal! good as those have not yet managed to do it! But these are great, I can assure you!

I got this recipe from un blog di cucina...non mi ricordo quale...:(se quel blogger mi sta leggendo in questo momento,non me ne voglia per non averlo menzionato....ma davvero non mi ricordo!!!!sono un po' smemorata ultimamente;)

120 gr di farina
125 gr di zucchero
60 gr di burro fuso
2 uova
1 carota media
80 gr di mandorle tritate
100 gr di cioccolato al latte spezzettato
1 cucchiaino di bicarbonato
1 cucchiaino di lievito
1 pizzico di sale
In una ciotola mescolare farina,bicarbonato,lievito,zucchero e sale.
In un'altra ciotola sbattere uova e burro fuso.
Unire le uova alla farina e mescolare poco.Aggiungere carrots, almonds and chocolate.
Fill 2 / 3 for the muffin tins and bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes .. the next one!! Smack!: *

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Restless Legs Syndrome More Condition_symptoms

Rolled turkey ... Ms Uccia

Uccia The legendary lady has struck again! This time he prepared a main dish of meat is really delicious! The turkey, which is often wad and not too popular with gourmets, expressed his gratitude for having been made so juicy! ;-)

  • 1 kg of turkey breast sliced \u200b\u200bthin
  • 200 grams of cooked ham
  • 200 grams of smoked
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • the juice of two oranges
  • 2 carrots 1 celery

Spread the breast turkey and beat him with a meat mallet so that it becomes beautiful slim. Add salt and pepper on the meat surface and then layer with ham and one with the smoked cheese. Roll it all and stop the roll with a kitchen string. Warm two tablespoons of oil in a frying pan and brown the rolls on all sides, then add the celery and carrots cut into strips and then sprinkle with orange juice. Allow to simmer for an hour then, once cool, cut into slices.

How to comment ... delicious!