Do You cut your hunger with a healthy and delicious appetizer! How many times have you dreamed of a tasty appetizer that will help you to be less hungry? Oggi puoi sognare ad occhi aperti perchè Herbalife ha realizzato il tuo sogno! Ecco un delizioso antipasto per aiutarti a raggiungere velocemente la sazietà e quindi mangiare meno. NOVITA' Da oggi in vendita La Zuppa di Pomodoro Gourmet Calda, Saporita e Nutriente! Uno dei più tradizionali sapori della cucina mediterranea, pronta in un solo minuto! -
Zuppa di pomodoro aromatizzata con basilico e origano; -
Eight times the protein of a normal soup *; -
with lycopene, an antioxidant naturally present in tomato -
which contains prebiotic inulin, a soluble fiber. -
Gourmet Tomato Taste the soup as you want during the day, as an aperitif or as an appetizer at dinner! The soup has 104 calories and high in fiber and protein to help prolong satiety. Ordinal today! Tomato soup, Cod 0155 - 21 meals - retail price € 45.15 * The composition of Foods, Food Standards Agency and the Institute of Food Research in the UK, 2006. | Herbalife Nutrition for a Better Life! |
Cristina Leuzzi
Consulente Specialista del Benessere
Distributore Indipendente Herbalife
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