The end of the year .... good order and ... GOOD START !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oggi è il compleanno di mia cognata,ed ecco la sua sorpresina!festeggeremo con questa torta..una torta dal sapore molto "caldo" e "invernale"..come piace a me....arancia e cioccolata..un connubio perfetto!!!
E' un semplice pan di Spagna bagnato con del Grand Marnier e farcito con una crema alla nutella....slurp....decorato con tanta ma tanta panna montata, fettine di arancia e cioccolatini...devo ringraziare
più dolci ,la mia rivista delle meraviglie,che mi dà spunti sempre nuovi e riuscitissimi!!!!
Pan di Spagna:
6 uova
190 gr di zucchero
180 gr di farina
1 pizzico di sale
Sbattere a lungo i tuorli(mi raccomando,"a lungo"..devono incorporare molta aria)con 150 gr di zucchero.
A parte montare a neve i bianchi con lo zucchero restante,e unirli delicatamente alla battuta di tuorli.
Setacciare sul composto la farina con un pizzico di sale,mescolando delicatamente dal basso verso l'alto,versare il tutto in una teglia di 26 cm di diametro rivestita con carta da forno e infornare in forno già caldo a 180° per 40 min.
6 tuorli
150 gr di zucchero
50 gr di farina
500 ml di latte
1 bustina di vanillina
300 gr di nutella
Far bollire latte e vanillina.Sbattere i tuorli con lo zucchero,unire la farina e stemperare con un po' di latte.Versare il latte rimasto e cuocere a fuoco medio,mescolando continuamente,fin quando la crema non risulti glossy.
add the nutella cream is still warm, mix well and let cool.
Cut the sponge cake, sprinkle with the grand Marnière diluted with a little 'crema.Ricomporre water and pour the cake and decorate it with whipped cream, orange slices, chocolates, jelly colorata.Ho added on the edge of Pavesini decoration.
tonight we celebrate with this cake ... ...... and to all of you ...
Friday, December 31, 2010
Testicular Cancer More Condition_symptoms
Plaice "Final Report" 2010 and 2011 new resolutions
Il 2010 è stato un anno meraviglioso, Giacomo ha invaso la mia vita e quella di Fernando con un carico di dolcezza! Le nostre famiglie hanno aperto il loro cuore ad un angioletto dagli occhioni grandi che le ha ricompensate con tanto affetto! Non posso che ringraziare il Cielo per questo dono così bello che abbiamo ricevuto e spesso mi chiedo se merito tutto questo bene...
Il 2010 inoltre è stato l'anno in cui ho iniziato questa avventura del blog e ne sono contentissima. Sto dando sfogo ad una mia passion and through it I know so many special people are a little 'entry into their lives and I realized that I have much to learn ... In particular, the story of a of them touched my heart and also to life example of this I can only thank the Lord. I feel like I do on my its purpose for the new year, because I can not imagine a more meaningful ... bring love to others, starting with those close and continuing with the others! Also I'd like to do some 'of silence within me, because too often are full of thoughts that are sterile and useless just noise, blurring the sound of the important emotions ..
Thank you to all who pass by to see me and rejoice leaving traces of your passage ... I wish you a year from the heart of beautiful emotions!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Southpark Stream Fishstick
L'anno nuovo porterà novità nelle nostre vite: chi cambierà lavoro, chi troverà l'anima gemella, chi troverà la volontà di dimagrire, chi cambierà casa. Se pensi di non cambiare nulla spero che sia perchè stai già molto bene.
Il cambiamento, qualunque cambiamento, implica sempre uno sforzo, abbattere barriere precostituite autolimitanti.
Quando pensi "non ce la faro' mai" hai sicuramente ragione, così come quando pensi "io ce la farò, costi quel che costi".
Il tuo pensiero condiziona la tua vita. Prima lo capisci e impari ad usarlo e prima avrai successo in qualsiasi cosa tu decida di fare.
Resto a disposizione per consulenze telefoniche al numero 3805233860, oppure cliccando qui .
Ti auguro un sereno anno nuovo e soprattutto as you can achieve your goals.
Cristina Cristina Leuzzi
Wellness Consultant Specialist tel. 3805233860
Rabbit Watering System Plan
work in progress .......;)
Approfitto del sonnellino pomeridiano della mia bimbetta pestifera per preparare la torta per mia cognata che domani compie gli anni...vado a mettermi al lavoro....a domani,allora,con la mia nuova creatura!!!!kiss!:*
Approfitto del sonnellino pomeridiano della mia bimbetta pestifera per preparare la torta per mia cognata che domani compie gli anni...vado a mettermi al lavoro....a domani,allora,con la mia nuova creatura!!!!kiss!:*
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Ankylosis Spondylitis More Condition_symptoms
the yule logs and Christmas is Christmas
come promesso ecco la ricetta!
pasta biscotto:6 uova
170gr di zucchero
120 gr di farina
30 gr di fecola
Montare uova e zucchero.Setacciare sul composto le farine,versare nella placca da forno rivestita con carta oleata e far cuocere per 15 min a 160 °.
Sfornare e immediately unmold on a dish towel sprinkled with sugar semolato.arrotolare dough gently on itself and make it cool. Stuff with
dellapanna mounted enriched with dark chocolate flakes, roll and place in refrigerator for a minimum of 2 hours.
Ganache coverage: 250 ml fresh cream 300 g dark chocolate chopped
Heat the cream and pour over chocolate.
2 slices cut from the roll and dial the trunk, then cover the cake with the ganache.
Finally, I have decorated the Christmas parties that sugar .... mmmmmm .... good .....
come promesso ecco la ricetta!
pasta biscotto:6 uova
170gr di zucchero
120 gr di farina
30 gr di fecola
Montare uova e zucchero.Setacciare sul composto le farine,versare nella placca da forno rivestita con carta oleata e far cuocere per 15 min a 160 °.
Sfornare e immediately unmold on a dish towel sprinkled with sugar semolato.arrotolare dough gently on itself and make it cool. Stuff with
dellapanna mounted enriched with dark chocolate flakes, roll and place in refrigerator for a minimum of 2 hours.
Ganache coverage: 250 ml fresh cream 300 g dark chocolate chopped
Heat the cream and pour over chocolate.
2 slices cut from the roll and dial the trunk, then cover the cake with the ganache.
Finally, I have decorated the Christmas parties that sugar .... mmmmmm .... good .....
Autoimmune Disease More Condition_symptoms
But what I enjoy baking for the holidays ..! This stub Christmas has evaporated in no time ... thank goodness I was able to take a picture .. hihihi! ricetta.kiss the afternoon you will find here!: *
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Gout More Condition_symptoms
piùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùù fattening!
We are in the midst of the Christmas holidays ... How did you spend Christmas? certainly surrounded by family and many delicacies of every kind ... and when you take away those extra pounds ....:(.. ok, but it's Christmas, we do not think the diet .... it always starts after the holidays! hihihihihi!
natalini .... Here are my cookies for breakfast are perfect for parties!
400 grams of flour 80 grams ground almonds 230 g butter
200 grams of powdered sugar
1 egg, 2 egg
1 lemon
Place butter, sugar and grated rind of limone.Aggiungere tuorli.Unire egg and flour and almonds and mix bene.Stendere the pastry and cut out biscuits. (I drew a Santa Claus on a card and I used as a template) Bake at 175 degrees for 15 min.
I've decorated with an icing made with 280gr of powdered sugar, 20 grams of egg white and 20 grams of sugar juice limone.Lo sieve, add the egg white, lemon and working with the whisk until it becomes frothy . it is best to protect it with plastic wrap to prevent time of use, is colored as ricetta.Semplicissimo !!!!;)
We are in the midst of the Christmas holidays ... How did you spend Christmas? certainly surrounded by family and many delicacies of every kind ... and when you take away those extra pounds ....:(.. ok, but it's Christmas, we do not think the diet .... it always starts after the holidays! hihihihihi!
natalini .... Here are my cookies for breakfast are perfect for parties!
400 grams of flour 80 grams ground almonds 230 g butter
200 grams of powdered sugar
1 egg, 2 egg
1 lemon
Place butter, sugar and grated rind of limone.Aggiungere tuorli.Unire egg and flour and almonds and mix bene.Stendere the pastry and cut out biscuits. (I drew a Santa Claus on a card and I used as a template) Bake at 175 degrees for 15 min.
I've decorated with an icing made with 280gr of powdered sugar, 20 grams of egg white and 20 grams of sugar juice limone.Lo sieve, add the egg white, lemon and working with the whisk until it becomes frothy . it is best to protect it with plastic wrap to prevent time of use, is colored as ricetta.Semplicissimo !!!!;)
602 Pro Lan Suite 2004 94fbr
what are you?!
Here I am ... I finally decided to start ... My adventure in the world Blogs!
Until a few months ago did not even know what a "blog", but browsing on the net I found so many, and I said to myself: I want it too!
My name is Antonella, I'm 31 years old and that is my greatest passion? Pastries!
time to understand a little 'how it works, and soon begin to publish my recipe sweet sweet kiss ..!
Here I am ... I finally decided to start ... My adventure in the world Blogs!
Until a few months ago did not even know what a "blog", but browsing on the net I found so many, and I said to myself: I want it too!
My name is Antonella, I'm 31 years old and that is my greatest passion? Pastries!
time to understand a little 'how it works, and soon begin to publish my recipe sweet sweet kiss ..!
1ft7 Siemens Motor Kaufen
butter biscuits
I also wanted to learn how to prepare for Christmas cookies! Actually I always thought that the cookies did not for me because of my oven, baking shortbread in which generally has been shown to be a little weak! But since I can get here in Lecce the gas oven and I took advantage of my having made a tour in your blog I decided that I Following the recipe that seemed the simplest. Stefania is very good with desserts, it creates tempting and are also very aesthetically beautiful! I recommend a ride in his blog in case you did not already knew! The biscuits of which I speak are those and write the recipe as you can find it in his blog:
- 350 grams of flour
- 220 g butter 150
- sugar
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract (I also added the zest of a lemon rind)
You mix all the ingredients quickly and then let the mixture stand for two hours in the refrigerator. It stretches between two sheets of floured parchment paper, leaving the dough 1 cm thick, and cut the biscuits form choice. We'll bake cookies in a preheated oven at 170 degrees for 10 minutes. When they are ready they are still soft but cools crispy. At this point, I sprinkled them with powdered sugar.
They're great! And as I see them I have enjoyed with a cup of tea ... but will the content of some gift bags that will donate to my friends for Christmas.
... And thanks to Stephen I "toasted" me too!!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Kidney Problems More Condition_symptoms
Christmas 2010
Who loves to sleep but wakes up in a good mood,
who still greets with a kiss,
who works hard but enjoys Moreover,
to those in a hurry in the car but does not sound at traffic lights,
who arrives late but is not seeking an apology,
who turns off the television for a chat,
who is happy when it twice in half,
who gets up early to help a friend,
who has the enthusiasm of a child and thought like a man, who
sees only black when it is dark,
those who do not expect Christmas to be better,
Through this poem circulating on the Internet, my sincerest best wishes to everyone to move from here!
Discover Atlantis Tour Ticket
Target 2011
a long time I am passionate about the study of the psychological understanding of the difficulties that lie behind the increase in weight. In 2011 I set the goal to provide valuable psychological support for people who embark on the path to weight loss. A goal that does not end within a year, but that dream of making the best of my ability until help even one person to feel better.
And I dream that this blog will be 'a container of positive messages and good examples by the people I helped.
Another objective that I ask is the spread of self-healing techniques, I'm studying for the past 4 years with excellent results. I recently started a blog on the subject, for now bare of content, but is aiming to enrich, adding to conferences and seminars, visible at
And you, who goals for 2011 you ask?
Leave a comment below if you'd like to share with others.
Happy Holidays. Serenity and peace.
Cristina Leuzzi
Consultant Specialist
Wellness Herbalife Independent Distributor
Tel. 380 5233860
Sito Internet:
Iscrizione alla Newsletter
Pasti nutrizionalmente bilanciati con vitamine e minerali per controllare o perdere peso in modo sano ed efficace all'interno di uno stile di vita attivo
a long time I am passionate about the study of the psychological understanding of the difficulties that lie behind the increase in weight. In 2011 I set the goal to provide valuable psychological support for people who embark on the path to weight loss. A goal that does not end within a year, but that dream of making the best of my ability until help even one person to feel better.
And I dream that this blog will be 'a container of positive messages and good examples by the people I helped.
Another objective that I ask is the spread of self-healing techniques, I'm studying for the past 4 years with excellent results. I recently started a blog on the subject, for now bare of content, but is aiming to enrich, adding to conferences and seminars, visible at
And you, who goals for 2011 you ask?
Leave a comment below if you'd like to share with others.
Happy Holidays. Serenity and peace.
Cristina Leuzzi
Consultant Specialist
Wellness Herbalife Independent Distributor
Tel. 380 5233860
Sito Internet:
Iscrizione alla Newsletter
Pasti nutrizionalmente bilanciati con vitamine e minerali per controllare o perdere peso in modo sano ed efficace all'interno di uno stile di vita attivo
Monday, December 20, 2010
National Credit Counselors Of Canada
The "Pitta potatoes" of Mrs. Uccia
Good start week! Just to talk always of the time, I tell you that I'm just not understanding anything! Two days ago was a bitter cold, with temperatures near zero (here in Puglia) and today, again, the thermometer marked 20 degrees! Our bodies can not withstand these changes!
This slice of flat bread or potatoes, as we call it "pitta" is the work of a very nice lady in the kitchen, Ms. Ucci. She is very good in the preparation of traditional local architecture and in this period of festivities in his house already imagine the smell of Christmas cake! Luckily thanks to my brother and his girlfriend Paula, I'm sure I taste a little bit of her delicious creations ... I'll have to convince me to a course ... ;-)
I bring you the recipe as I was written by the creator.
- 3 eggs 1 kg potatoes
- 3 cups breadcrumbs
- 2 small cups of grated cheese
- a small glass of oil
- salt and pepper to taste
- ham slices mozzarella
The potatoes are boiled and when cooked, are crushed, then add all other ingredients except the ham and mozzarella instead are arranged between two layers of potato mixture. The pan sprinkle with breadcrumbs and butter to prevent sticking pitta. You put in oven at 200 degrees for half an hour.
The filling of pitta can obviously be customized as desired by replacing the ham with another sausage or tuna, etc..
I assure you that is a good and solves a quick dinner or a main dish, cut into small pieces is also good as a delicious appetizer!
... The lady has her hands Uccia fairy ...!
National Healthcare University
Lack of professionalism: a widespread problem
Ultimamente ho avuto a che fare con un paio di compagnie telefoniche per via della connessione internet.
In entrambi i casi mi sono trovata a confronto con persone non preparate alla "customer care", assolutamente disinteressate a soddisfare i miei bisogni, preoccupate soltanto di continuare ad occupare un impiego e avere un'entrata fissa a fine mese.
Nella mia attività la persona è al centro e i prodotti che io consiglio sono unicamente un mezzo per aiutarle.
Prima di tutto l'aiuto che offro è psicologico, mirato all'individuazione di uno o piu' obiettivi di benessere, secondariamente riguarda il benessere fisico, come naturale conseguenza.
Le aziende dovrebbero formare i propri dipendenti ad un approccio umano e non purely commercial, which always makes Herbalife. For this I am proud to be part of this company. Cristina
Ultimamente ho avuto a che fare con un paio di compagnie telefoniche per via della connessione internet.
In entrambi i casi mi sono trovata a confronto con persone non preparate alla "customer care", assolutamente disinteressate a soddisfare i miei bisogni, preoccupate soltanto di continuare ad occupare un impiego e avere un'entrata fissa a fine mese.
Nella mia attività la persona è al centro e i prodotti che io consiglio sono unicamente un mezzo per aiutarle.
Prima di tutto l'aiuto che offro è psicologico, mirato all'individuazione di uno o piu' obiettivi di benessere, secondariamente riguarda il benessere fisico, come naturale conseguenza.
Le aziende dovrebbero formare i propri dipendenti ad un approccio umano e non purely commercial, which always makes Herbalife. For this I am proud to be part of this company. Cristina
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Side Effects Of Sterling Silver
Swap Christmas ... here's my package!
This morning I woke up with a wonderful surprise ... on the kitchen table waiting for me the Christmas package Swap organized by Anna Maria ! In fact, the package arrived yesterday, but it was not at home my neighbor had withdrawn and had not had the time of delivery, up to this morning!
My "match" Paola is called, is a lady of the province of Naples. I am glad that I participated in this initiative because in this way I met a new friend and I could taste some specialties of those areas ... in particular are super happy to have been present in the friarielli! My husband loves them (always ask them on the pizza with the sausage) and only open them when it arrives here in Apulia too!
thanks, Paolo, do you think is most welcome! I hope that you found interesting my package even though I believe that the products of Salento and the Neapolitans are not so different ... In fact, your wheat biscuits remind me of my friselle and Rococo have the flavor a little 'spice of mustazzoli!
It 'nice to think that he had attention to an unknown person, so far, and that she has had for me! Napoli and Lecce only geographically far away .... This is also 'CHRISTMAS!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Sample Confidentiality Clause
How to cure chapped hands quickly
Today was very cold and I was quite out without gloves.
This evening I realized that I had the backs of your hands very slightly reddened and burned. I applied
Herbal Aloe Everyday Soothing Gel Herbalife (€ 11.84) and within 30 seconds my hands were completely healed, with the advantage that it is not greasy and absorbs quickly.
Aloe has excellent soothing and has a very affordable price.
be kept in the house, especially for those who has children.
Today was very cold and I was quite out without gloves.
This evening I realized that I had the backs of your hands very slightly reddened and burned. I applied
Herbal Aloe Everyday Soothing Gel Herbalife (€ 11.84) and within 30 seconds my hands were completely healed, with the advantage that it is not greasy and absorbs quickly.
Aloe has excellent soothing and has a very affordable price.
be kept in the house, especially for those who has children.
Cristina |
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Mucus Before Menstration
How to control the weight during the Christmas
How to learn to control their weight, especially around Christmas, when lunch and dinner become a trap for those who have trouble controlling your weight?
Here's how the Special Adviser to the well-being through healthy products and strategic measures, teaches you how to address peacefully the table, without the guilt he 'compulsive hunger.
For information or to schedule an appointment please call 3805233860 or visit the website
Cristina Cristina Leuzzi
Special Adviser to the Independent Distributor Herbalife Wellness
Tel 380 5233860
Youtube :
Subscribe to Newsletter
nutritionally balanced meals with vitamins and minerals to control or lose weight in a healthy way and effectively within an active lifestyle
How to learn to control their weight, especially around Christmas, when lunch and dinner become a trap for those who have trouble controlling your weight?
Here's how the Special Adviser to the well-being through healthy products and strategic measures, teaches you how to address peacefully the table, without the guilt he 'compulsive hunger.
For information or to schedule an appointment please call 3805233860 or visit the website
Cristina Cristina Leuzzi
Special Adviser to the Independent Distributor Herbalife Wellness
Tel 380 5233860
Youtube :
Subscribe to Newsletter
nutritionally balanced meals with vitamins and minerals to control or lose weight in a healthy way and effectively within an active lifestyle
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Trainzlynton And Barnstaple
For Christmas solidarity. .. A useful gift not only for the recipient how to defend themselves from the influence
Keychain line and stylized with the trademark "Herbalife Family Foundation." The sales proceeds will be donated on behalf of the Herbalife Family Foundation is constantly committed to helping needy children and improve their living conditions.
buy the keyring you can give your support and help the Herbalife Family Foundation to make the happiest children in need around the world.
For a Christmas banner of solidarity. Saturday, December 11, 2010
Liver Failure More Condition_symptoms
Cod with tomato
my Mom how much time has elapsed since the last post! I was really busy and I could not dedicate myself to the kitchen and what I wanted to blog! I missed your blog and I could not wait for a ride in your area to see some 'goodness which I missed!
In this period I also cover package for the Christmas swap in which I participate ... I left Tuesday morning and now look anxiously to hear the comments of my combination and receive my package! I had so much fun to prepare, I hope that Paula will enjoy discovering what's inside!
This dish is really simple, like everything I cook on the other hand ...
I did fry in oil a clove of minced garlic with a bit of chilli. I added the chopped tomatoes and salt. After about ten minutes I seasoned the sauce with a handful of capers and I nestled gently fillets of fresh cod in a pan. I covered with a lid and let cook down until the fish has turned white. I avoided moving too much because the cod fillets flesh has a delicate and tends to break ... cook with the lid on either turn it over without lai! When cooked, I sprinkled with chopped fresh parsley.
ps I am again in Puglia :-) ... then you will understand very well that my mood is hot! Kisses kisses
Friday, December 10, 2010
Butalbital Apap Caffeine And Dental
E 'is well known that the antioxidant vitamins such as vitamins A, C, E, and zinc strengthen the immune system.
If your diet is unbalanced and you're stressed you can find a good defense by using these supplements:
Roseox - powerful antioxidant |
Cristina Leuzzi
Special Adviser to the Independent Distributor Herbalife Wellness
Tel 380 5233860
Youtube = mhum
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Mount & Blade シリアル
Do You cut your hunger with a healthy and delicious appetizer!
Cristina Leuzzi
Consulente Specialista del Benessere
Distributore Indipendente Herbalife
Sito web
Canale Youtube
| |
Cristina Leuzzi
Consulente Specialista del Benessere
Distributore Indipendente Herbalife
Sito web
Canale Youtube
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Infection More Condition_symptoms
Christmas gifts
Durante le feste di Natale mediamente ogni persona acquista 3 kg.
Che senso ha aspettare gennaio per rimettersi in linea?
start a weight loss program customized lets face the holidays with all the serenity of being able to eat what 'more that' we love!
At Christmas, make the gift more 'beautiful. Buy your kit slimming and be guided by your Beauty Consultant to your perfect shape.
Shipping is included!
Durante le feste di Natale mediamente ogni persona acquista 3 kg.
Che senso ha aspettare gennaio per rimettersi in linea?
start a weight loss program customized lets face the holidays with all the serenity of being able to eat what 'more that' we love!
At Christmas, make the gift more 'beautiful. Buy your kit slimming and be guided by your Beauty Consultant to your perfect shape.
Shipping is included!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Liver Disease More Condition_symptoms
Exit the shell is hard but it gives us a new lease of life
One time I put my ear plugs and blinders on not to disturb my absolute truths.
When my husband was diagnosed with incurable cancer are out of my shell for the love that bound me to him in an attempt to save him from physical death.
I became aware of the Germanic New Medicine, which did not even know the name until then, but that has successfully reversed my life, although my husband has decided not to live.
Today I thank God for showing me wonderful new horizons, which have certainly ruined all the certainties I had, giving me new knowledge are able to help everyone find their own balance di benessere PsicoFisico in una dolce rinascita a nuova energia.
Posso aiutare chiunque lo desideri a ritrovare tutto il benessere possibile, riequilibrando la mente e il corpo in uno stupefacente mix armonico.
Per questo ho scelto di regalare le mie consulenze, perchè il BenEssere deve essere alla portata di tutti.
Con il cuore
One time I put my ear plugs and blinders on not to disturb my absolute truths.
When my husband was diagnosed with incurable cancer are out of my shell for the love that bound me to him in an attempt to save him from physical death.
I became aware of the Germanic New Medicine, which did not even know the name until then, but that has successfully reversed my life, although my husband has decided not to live.
Today I thank God for showing me wonderful new horizons, which have certainly ruined all the certainties I had, giving me new knowledge are able to help everyone find their own balance di benessere PsicoFisico in una dolce rinascita a nuova energia.
Posso aiutare chiunque lo desideri a ritrovare tutto il benessere possibile, riequilibrando la mente e il corpo in uno stupefacente mix armonico.
Per questo ho scelto di regalare le mie consulenze, perchè il BenEssere deve essere alla portata di tutti.
Con il cuore
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Hpv More Condition_symptoms
Shorts fast!
Happy Thursday! Today is a really good day for me! I am not speaking of the weather, but the fact that after three days of semi-fasting, Giacomo ate a nice soup with chicken! What a relief! I know that children, according to the pediatricians, regulate themselves, but I can not take me with anxiety, after a whole day where he only ate four biscuits and a third of a cup of milk, I do not want to know open mouth ...! However, for lunch today I can be happy ... throws ... we'll see how tonight!
As I wrote in the title, these shorts are really fast to do! In fact I used the baking powder of Bertolini and pizza pies, and after kneading, I put in the oven now! I mixed 300 grams of 00 flour with 200 grams of flour and a packet of yeast, setacciando il tutto. Ho aggiunto 2 cucchiai di olio, un pizzico di sale e tanta acqua quanto ne occorreva per formare una bella palla soda e liscia, abbastanza morbida.
Poi, per un raptus estroso che mi ha colto all'improvviso, ho messo nell'impasto 3 cucchiaini di pesto alla genovese, quello pronto che vendono nei vasetti di vetro.
Con il matterello ho steso la pasta e tagliato in quadrati. Ogni quadrato l'ho farcito con polpa di pomodoro lasciata sgocciolare un quarto d'ora, origano, sale, olio, un pezzetto di mozzarella e qualche cappero. Ho ripiegato a triangolo e sigillato con la forchetta. Poi ho infornato su carta forno per 20 minuti a 200 gradi!
The taste of pesto in the dough was just mentioned, but very mild and pleasant! The next time the dose rincarerò !
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