Saturday, November 13, 2010

Saddle Right Saddle Pads

Today is a recipe designed looking in the fridge and thinking about how to take out a couple of not so fresh fennel to be eaten raw ... In fact I had bought with that intention, but then I'd forgotten them there in the drawer at the bottom ...!

I cut them into pieces and wash well, leaving them for a quarter of an hour in cold water. Then I boiled them in salted water until they become tender. I took my mixer, I solve a lot of problems especially with the baby food of James, and I have smoothies. A creamy sauce that I added two eggs, pepper and nutmeg and a generous handful of Parmesan cheese and as the mixture seemed a bit 'too soft, even the bread crumbs. Then, out of the mixer, I combined a mozzarella into small pieces (the prossima volta al suo posto metterò un formaggio più saporito, tipo la scamorza affumicata...). Ho unto con un pezzetto di burro una teglia da forno e cosparso di pane grattugiato; ho sistemato il composto sulla teglia e in superficie ho spolverato con un'altra manciata di parmigiano e pane grattugiato. In forno già caldo per una mezz'oretta a 200 gradi!.....Finocchi salvi!!

Aggiornamento mini vacanza a casa dei miei... Quel birbante di Giacomo, che a Parma mi fa dannare all'ora dei pasti perché non ne vuol sapere di aprire bocca, qui mangia tantissimo! Non salta un pasto, e dopo la minestrina in genere vuole anche le verdurine schiacciate ben ben e condite con olio and salt! Today, even up two slices of ham per second! I do not recognize! But I'm super happy! The pediatrician told us that it was almost a pound less than the growth charts! It will be the proximity to the sea or the proximity to grandparents ..!

Bravo mother's darling, eat all you need to become big and strong!


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