Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pontoon Paddle Boat For Sale

Cardi in the old way ...

I cardi, cioè quelli che credevo essere i gambi delle piante di carciofo (ma che invece non lo sono, appartengono solo alla stessa famiglia di vegetali), sono degli ortaggi tanto buoni quanto antipatici nel momento in cui devono essere puliti...! Infatti bisogna togliere tutti quei filamenti che ci sono lungo the stem and this, in addition to being long and boring, then leaves a distinguishing mark on his fingers ... that is, a dark halo that does not go away easily! So important is the use of disposable gloves! We say that all this preparatory stage I have to skip :-)... In fact, I used the handiwork of my mother, who deal with it without blinking!
Once well-washed and ready to cook, thistles must be boiled with a pinch of salt to make them tender (but not too soft) and to eliminate that characteristic bitter taste that distinguishes them. At this point you may decide to proceed with the cooking that we please, a proposal could be to arrange in a baking pan with a little oil ee them au gratin with parmesan and bread crumbs, but instead we will have prepared the old way that is "stewed", as they prepare a lot of wild greens in Salento! In practice is fried in oil, sliced \u200b\u200bonion and when it is pretty soft and you add three or four tomatoes of the "pendulum" (those that are left hanging from their branches throughout the winter and become a good ... !) cut into pieces, and a little fresh chilli. A few minutes later you put the thistles, salt and lower heat to low and let the vegetables end up the cooking ... "Stove". If necessary, during cooking, you can add a cup of water, but may not be needed if you keep the flame very low.
This is a dish of peasant tradition of Salento, is really tasty, and I suggest you try it! Although a little 'hard-working gives a lot of satisfaction, especially if accompanied by a nice slice of bread (Pucci) just made toast ...!


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