The pizza in the afternoon of rain ...
Guess where am I?! I am in my country, in Puglia! Quick blitz for a few days taking advantage of the absence of Fernando .. We were alone and I insoles James, Parma, and then sneaking we arranged to come down! Here, my dear, it's almost summer again! It rained quite a bit 'last night but now it's sunny and hot!
This morning, after being spupazzato very well by the maternal and paternal grandparents, the puppy has been cutting hair! What was funny sitting in the hairdresser's chair with a colorful cape ...! Obviously, the cape is served by little, because now it is full of tufts and awakens just waiting for him a nice bath!
Remember last week that there was bad weather, especially in northern Italy? Since I did nothing but rain and rain for almost a week! I and lies mo we were forced to stay home every afternoon and give up our usual stroll around here! Now he has started walking and the stroller would ever do without them ... so here we are, on which he mince uncertain but courageous and quick, and I parted with his arms bent behind I try to guess his change of direction! We are trigger-happy, but he's all happy for this sense of freedom he feels to have won! ... In short, the rain has spoiled our rite!
One afternoon, leafing through an old issue of Cooking No Problem dedicated to pizza, so I seen fit to engage in the process ... I gave a quick look in the pantry to see if I had the need, and I found everything but the cheese! A pizza without cheese?? Okay, I will invent something ...!!
I followed the recipe step by step the newspaper: I crumbled 20 g of yeast in a bowl and I have dissolved with 100 ml of water. I added a teaspoon of sugar and 50 grams of flour, the dough enough liquid and homogeneous I have an hour left to rise in a warm place, covered. Then I combined the yeast mixture to 450 grams of flour, 1 teaspoon of salt and 150 grams of water. We must knead very vigorously to produce a smooth ball smooth, I have anointed the dough, made a cross on the surface, covered with plastic wrap and let rise 3 hours. After this time, I reworked the dough and made a lot of energy with the launch on a pastry recipe that is strongly recommended to do ....!! (A grind! But at least the stress has been downloaded :-)!) ... In the end I spread the dough into two greased pans and topped with tomato sauce flavored with oregano, salt and oil; The first pan I put tuna, onion and capers, the second bits of ricotta and parmesan cheese ....
Good, but the mozzarella was missing! With regard to the mix, came fairly smooth, but the bottom layer a bit 'too crunchy ... is that mine is an electric oven ...!