Monday, November 29, 2010

Sore Shoulder More Condition_symptoms

The first snow of the year in Parma

do not believe it, we're only in November and Parma is already covered with snow!

Among all the rain there is no doubt that the snow is the sweetest ... especially if there are less than one month to Christmas, if it falls on a Sunday when you stay at home with your husband and your child and your child if this phenomenon less è sorprendentemente nuovo e divertente...!

Giacomo, infatti, è rimasto per tutto il pomeriggio di ieri appiccicato al vetro della finestra, a fissare i fiocchi che scendevano, e con la sua piccola manina paffuta faceva il gesto di "mettere il sale"....! Per lui infatti era come se qualcuno dal cielo stesse condendo una mega insalata...!

Questa invece è la visione che ho avuto stamattina aprendo la finestra della mia camera da letto! La giornata era limpidissima, nel cielo neanche una nuvola, un sole caldo e di un bel colore arancione stava pian piano lavorando per sciogliere la neve che da ieri copriva il prato del mio cortile...

Un abbraccio a chiunque si trovi a passare da qui...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pontoon Paddle Boat For Sale

Cardi in the old way ...

I cardi, cioè quelli che credevo essere i gambi delle piante di carciofo (ma che invece non lo sono, appartengono solo alla stessa famiglia di vegetali), sono degli ortaggi tanto buoni quanto antipatici nel momento in cui devono essere puliti...! Infatti bisogna togliere tutti quei filamenti che ci sono lungo the stem and this, in addition to being long and boring, then leaves a distinguishing mark on his fingers ... that is, a dark halo that does not go away easily! So important is the use of disposable gloves! We say that all this preparatory stage I have to skip :-)... In fact, I used the handiwork of my mother, who deal with it without blinking!
Once well-washed and ready to cook, thistles must be boiled with a pinch of salt to make them tender (but not too soft) and to eliminate that characteristic bitter taste that distinguishes them. At this point you may decide to proceed with the cooking that we please, a proposal could be to arrange in a baking pan with a little oil ee them au gratin with parmesan and bread crumbs, but instead we will have prepared the old way that is "stewed", as they prepare a lot of wild greens in Salento! In practice is fried in oil, sliced \u200b\u200bonion and when it is pretty soft and you add three or four tomatoes of the "pendulum" (those that are left hanging from their branches throughout the winter and become a good ... !) cut into pieces, and a little fresh chilli. A few minutes later you put the thistles, salt and lower heat to low and let the vegetables end up the cooking ... "Stove". If necessary, during cooking, you can add a cup of water, but may not be needed if you keep the flame very low.
This is a dish of peasant tradition of Salento, is really tasty, and I suggest you try it! Although a little 'hard-working gives a lot of satisfaction, especially if accompanied by a nice slice of bread (Pucci) just made toast ...!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sympathy Plants For Loss Of Father

hazelnut cake

Here I am to write to you from my usual pc station in Parma! And yes, James and I have returned to our house and as I told you, we did or with Ryanair ... We say that James was very comfortable and hardly noticed being a few kilometers off the ground ... But for me, which I knew was not really a smooth ride! Fortuna that the presence of my brother and my sister distracted me a bit, 'so that the hour and a half flight passed quickly enough!

Today I write the recipe of the cake with hazelnuts that advised me a dear friend who lives in Turin, Tonia, and I recommend it for given the Langhe hazelnuts! I used the common hazel, which I roasted in the oven itself and the result was truly superlative! Imagine how it would come the cake with hazelnuts from Piedmont ...!

Ingredients: 300 grams roasted hazelnuts, 150 grams of sugar, 3 eggs, 2 tablespoons of flour 00, 1 tablespoon yeast, grated rind of a lemon, 2 tablespoons milk, 50 g butter, 2 pinches of salt and a t he 22 cm in diameter.

Preparation: Melt the butter in a double boiler and let cool; Chop the nuts with half the sugar em Ontario to the yolks with the soft cream remaining sugar. Joining hazelnuts to the yolks and then also melted butter, lemon, flour, salt and a pinch of yeast in diluted 2 tablespoons of milk. Beat the egg whites with the second pinch of salt and put them together very gently the compound.
Versare nella teglia e metterla in forno caldo, 180°C x 40 min. Una volta ultimata la cottura sfornare e lasciare riposare per 10 min. Togliere la torta dalla teglia lasciarla evaporare su una griglia.

Vi va una bella fetta? E' morbidissima e umida....!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sciagni Mapki Do Cs A.6

tomato stew with fennel flan

Buon martedì a tutti coloro che si trovano a passare dal mio "posticino", e grazie per averlo fatto! Le mie vacanze stanno per terminare e venerdì sarò di nuovo tra le nebbie della pianura padana..! Fernando non vede l'ora di riavere il suo pargoletto a casa... infatti i nostri frequenti collegamenti via webcam aiutano ma non suppliscono la presenza del bimbo accanto a sé! In realtà questa volta non sono così triste per il fatto di dover andare via, infatti porto su con me mio fratello e mia cognata per un weekend lungo e questo mi facilita il distacco dalla mia terra! Non fosse per un pensiero che mi mette un po' di ansia... il volo in aereo!! Infatti per Giacomo sarà la prima volta, ma lui forse neanche se ne accorgerà...! Io invece me ne accorgerò eccome! Nonostante abbia già volato diverse volte, questo mezzo di trasporto non riesco proprio a farmelo piacere! Ogni volta giuro a me stessa che è l'ultima, ma poi gli eventi e la scomodità di altre soluzioni (con un bimbo così piccolo 9 ore di treno sono state terribili) mi fanno capitolare! Povera me! Camomilla a gogò...!

Forse quella che vi propongo oggi non è la vera ricetta dello spezzatino, ma è la mia ricetta, quella che faccio da quando vivo sola e che ha soddisfatto our palates, especially in winter evenings.
I try not to overdo it with the sauteed with seasonings in general, so I prepare this dish by putting the cold all the ingredients in the pot ... First use a pot a bit 'high and you put in the meat for stew (I recommend the butcher), cut into chunks with a can of chopped tomatoes, one onion, finely sliced, two bay leaves, a bit of chili fresh, two carrots sliced, two stalks of celery into small pieces, a drop of oil, a teaspoon of dried oregano, and two tablespoons pickled capers. These maybe are not quite typical of the stew, but we really like because they give the slight taste of "tomato sauce" that makes the meat more interesting! Then add a bit 'of salt and half a glass of water. Cooking is not as fast, an hour or so abundant on low heat! But it's worth it if you plan to eat this nice hot meal accompanied by hot toast ...

the beginning ... well the great cold, so we know how to defend ourselves! ;-)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Saddle Right Saddle Pads

Today is a recipe designed looking in the fridge and thinking about how to take out a couple of not so fresh fennel to be eaten raw ... In fact I had bought with that intention, but then I'd forgotten them there in the drawer at the bottom ...!

I cut them into pieces and wash well, leaving them for a quarter of an hour in cold water. Then I boiled them in salted water until they become tender. I took my mixer, I solve a lot of problems especially with the baby food of James, and I have smoothies. A creamy sauce that I added two eggs, pepper and nutmeg and a generous handful of Parmesan cheese and as the mixture seemed a bit 'too soft, even the bread crumbs. Then, out of the mixer, I combined a mozzarella into small pieces (the prossima volta al suo posto metterò un formaggio più saporito, tipo la scamorza affumicata...). Ho unto con un pezzetto di burro una teglia da forno e cosparso di pane grattugiato; ho sistemato il composto sulla teglia e in superficie ho spolverato con un'altra manciata di parmigiano e pane grattugiato. In forno già caldo per una mezz'oretta a 200 gradi!.....Finocchi salvi!!

Aggiornamento mini vacanza a casa dei miei... Quel birbante di Giacomo, che a Parma mi fa dannare all'ora dei pasti perché non ne vuol sapere di aprire bocca, qui mangia tantissimo! Non salta un pasto, e dopo la minestrina in genere vuole anche le verdurine schiacciate ben ben e condite con olio and salt! Today, even up two slices of ham per second! I do not recognize! But I'm super happy! The pediatrician told us that it was almost a pound less than the growth charts! It will be the proximity to the sea or the proximity to grandparents ..!

Bravo mother's darling, eat all you need to become big and strong!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Car Auctions Fredericton

skip breakfast? Beware of the heart


Saltate la colazione? Attenti al cuore

Chi non dedica tempo e calorie the first meal of the day is likely to become ill in the long run, including diabetes

LONDON - The early bird catches the worm, and possibly a cup of milk and coffee, some cookies, maybe some fruit. Beyond personal preference, it is important to dedicate time and calories to nourish our bodies every morning. Not only that, as always profess dieticians and nutritionists, weight loss and better store energy for the day, but also to avoid more serious problems such as heart attacks or diabetes.

DATA - A study in Tasmania from the Menzies Research Institute and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition claims that skip breakfast lifetime leads to an increased risk of heart attacks and diabetes, legitimizing an advice shared by most doctors and grandmother, or that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The researchers analyzed about two thousand people, inquiring about their eating habits from a young age and collecting research data released by various Australian and Tasmania in the last 20 years. The results show that those who skipped the meal is a child or an adult, face greater risks than a hearty breakfast to who has always done, in the early years of life.

RISK - This is because in the case of those who do not have breakfast and did not do so long would proportionately higher levels of fasting insulin monitored, waist circumference would be more extensive, would also increase levels of LDL cholesterol (the one commonly called "bad cholesterol") and total cholesterol in the blood, all of which together trace the profile of patients at high risk of heart attacks and diabetes. To lower the levels of risk, you should start eating (healthy) since early morning, and as recommended professors who led the study of Tasmanian-Australian, to instil in young people the culture of the rich breakfast, giving them a good example. Eva


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Justerini And Brooks Apparel

Inspiration or desperation? It 's time to change your life!

There are two things that lead a person to change their lives: inspiration and desperation. Contact me to advise it of being free and discover how to get back in shape! Be inspired!
Click here

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Clansphere Rtcw2 Template

are important food supplements? The antitrust complaint Pharma

is a great video that helps us to shed light on the enormous importance of food supplements in our lives:

Click here to watch the video Enjoy

See you soon

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Darmowy Serwer Php I Mysql

The pizza in the afternoon of rain ...

Guess where am I?! I am in my country, in Puglia! Quick blitz for a few days taking advantage of the absence of Fernando .. We were alone and I insoles James, Parma, and then sneaking we arranged to come down! Here, my dear, it's almost summer again! It rained quite a bit 'last night but now it's sunny and hot!
This morning, after being spupazzato very well by the maternal and paternal grandparents, the puppy has been cutting hair! What was funny sitting in the hairdresser's chair with a colorful cape ...! Obviously, the cape is served by little, because now it is full of tufts and awakens just waiting for him a nice bath!

Remember last week that there was bad weather, especially in northern Italy? Since I did nothing but rain and rain for almost a week! I and lies mo we were forced to stay home every afternoon and give up our usual stroll around here! Now he has started walking and the stroller would ever do without them ... so here we are, on which he mince uncertain but courageous and quick, and I parted with his arms bent behind I try to guess his change of direction! We are trigger-happy, but he's all happy for this sense of freedom he feels to have won! ... In short, the rain has spoiled our rite!

One afternoon, leafing through an old issue of Cooking No Problem dedicated to pizza, so I seen fit to engage in the process ... I gave a quick look in the pantry to see if I had the need, and I found everything but the cheese! A pizza without cheese?? Okay, I will invent something ...!!

I followed the recipe step by step the newspaper: I crumbled 20 g of yeast in a bowl and I have dissolved with 100 ml of water. I added a teaspoon of sugar and 50 grams of flour, the dough enough liquid and homogeneous I have an hour left to rise in a warm place, covered. Then I combined the yeast mixture to 450 grams of flour, 1 teaspoon of salt and 150 grams of water. We must knead very vigorously to produce a smooth ball smooth, I have anointed the dough, made a cross on the surface, covered with plastic wrap and let rise 3 hours. After this time, I reworked the dough and made a lot of energy with the launch on a pastry recipe that is strongly recommended to do ....!! (A grind! But at least the stress has been downloaded :-)!) ... In the end I spread the dough into two greased pans and topped with tomato sauce flavored with oregano, salt and oil; The first pan I put tuna, onion and capers, the second bits of ricotta and parmesan cheese ....

Good, but the mozzarella was missing! With regard to the mix, came fairly smooth, but the bottom layer a bit 'too crunchy ... is that mine is an electric oven ...!

Prostrate Cancer More Condition_symptoms

Pool: 200 000 € fine for the lies of Kilocal. The media ignore it. Shame