Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Bond Interest Calculator
The site www.ilviaggiodialisea.it which this blog is a sort of diary, not updated since last June. This is because, for technical reasons, I can not 'handle it. As soon as I set a new format that will enable me to easily make updates, add the latest news from the "world" Alisea.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
What Kind Of Hair Does Myammee Use
And here I am, a few days late, to tell the story of the last 48 hours of my summer by boat. Parties and the boys have stayed at Marina Lakki to prepare the boat for towing. Among other things, fold it up and I put le vele. Mi accorgo di un ristagno di acqua dolce in sentina e, seguendo l'umidità, arrivo alla causa: il boiler perde. E' la legge della casualità mirata, il boiler è l'unica utility affossata dell'arrredamento. Vado a dormire con l'angoscia di dover smontare mezzo quadrato per tirare fuori lo scaldabagno fedifrago. Mezza giornata di lavoro e ci siamo: smontaggio, rimozione e rimontaggio eseguiti. Chiudo la saracinesca dello scambiatore per evitare che l'acqua del raffreddamento del motore esca. La mattina dopo alle 6,30 esco dall'ormeggio. Ho appuntamento al cantiere (15 miglia a N) alle 8,00 per alare, l'indomani ho l'aereo per Atene. La meteo prevede un forza 7 da N. Mentre percorro il fiordo che da Lakki porta al mare mi suona l'allarme the engine off and I rush to spaiolare: cooling water everywhere. The wind is already strong, leads me to the rocks. I call my friend John, is taking the coffee, starts off with his boat and goes out and comes to my aid. In the meantime I've plugged the pipe connecting the boiler with a wood cap band, back into gear and I try, it seems everything is fine. Thank you John, and I bow to greet him outside. Esco and the sea is already formed, do as many laps as the engine. A few minutes and plays again lallarme. I turn, I scapicollo in the bilge. The boat rolls dangerously in beam waves. I realize that the curse of the boiler return pipe is attached directly to the expansion tank of the engine. Also cap him, add water and put in motion. I en route to the fjord and decided to return to Lakki. It seems to work fine, I decide to rev up the engine to test the pace of cruising, a few minutes and it still sounds the alarm. I no longer have the radiator fluid, I rush into your locker, pull out the foresail, the ingarroccio and try to sail away from the rocks. In the meantime, while tacking with great difficulty, I call again Gianni. A few minutes and arrives at the boat marina. Return to port we are going to buy the fittings and put the water circuit. I call the yard, I have today because tomorrow I have the wing plane, they work only up to 15.00. They tell me that if I can wing them are within an hour. She left with Gianni, the sea is now formed the wind is moving towards 30 knots. There are boats with reefed mainsail, bow and engine fail to rise, with the engine idling Alisea goes up to 4 / 5 knots without ever banging, big boat .... We come to Partheni, we find the workers along the basin dock waiting for us, make us nod to enter the stern. With almost 30 knots of crosswind Alisea not even think about entering the stern, the bow breaks down relentlessly. Within the bow but the travel lift the stay beat, tell me to remove it. I smile and I send them mentally to f. ..... We decided to try to warping. Alisea pull out from the dock, not without difficulty. We have a long rope on the stern of a vessel ormeggioto windward spinning top with three people aboard and four on the ground we put Alisea safe. When you are seated sull'invaso 17.30, 11 hours from fear, they are exhausted and hungry, I laugh hysterically watching boat. "Are you okay where are you, see you in a few months."
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Personilized Chapstick
The two stories are suspended in the last 48 hours and the disappearance of the bicycles. To order by qust'utlima event began. So, I leave the bike on the pier Pserimos and go along with two Greek guys in Kalymnos to make food and water supply. After returning the bikes were not there. Ask around and in the small island community (permanent residents are 30) will trigger the brawl. "You can not have been taken by people here (there are no roads, everything is built on the edge of beach, impossible to use a bike). "The good name of the island can not be tarnished by an incident like that," "You have to report tomorrow when we get the coast guard boat" and so on. I want to defer, the bikes were a little rusty, I want to go away tomorrow, I will not ruin the last day on the island .... Join us for dinner as usual in Greek taberna where kids stay, also tell the lady what happened and that the restaurant says, "I find them there." Nobody believes it, someone from the other tables should mind his own business. We have dinner at the end of the twist. He approached the woman and says he actually found the bike. Where? A Kos, an island 15 miles from there. "He could not be one of the boats that take visitors from Kos every day. I called the Harbour of Kos and they found the bike, I will report the morning. "We remain speechless, fantastic!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Type 5 License Alberta
Alisea is back again this year for the usual winter rest sull'invaso . There is much yet to sail before the winter to be sure but my schedule starting with the beginning of the school. I have not written much on this blog during summer cruise. This is because it took me a healthy idleness due to the ease of navigation between the islands of the Dodecanese and the few miles flown (no more than 200/250) dfferenza in other years and that month of June where miles from Hurghada to come up we have had almost 1000. Anyway we arrived in Leros by plane, the airport is literally in the yard so there were no transfer problems. A couple of days after the launch of Lakki then, taking advantage of the good wind from N we made a sail to Kos. Here the sea has given us the availability for one night so the next day we went up to Pserimos. Night at anchor in the bay in a beautiful place ruined by high winds and, even more so by the fact that Marina had to remain relaxed throughout the day for a muscle strain in his back. We then moved to the village of Pserimos which we love so much to stay for several days even under knowledge of a couple on holiday in Athens and a lady who has beautifully sublimated his evenings with his delicacies. While we were there we ended up water and supplies on the island and since there is neither water supply nor a shop we went to Kalymnos to refuel and then return to Pserimos. Here we had a surprise, folding bicycles that had left the dock were gone. The finding deserves a separate post. We leave that calls Pserimos already a good group for the next Venton, 25/30 knots. In Effective already out of the island begins to dance. Let's route and make it into the narrow fjord of Vathi and spend a day and a wonderful motte. Vathi awaits us at the exit of a sea already nice size and a great wind that forces us to rise at Lakki motor. Them to spend the last days of Lakki Marina in the company of our Italian friends in good weather around with the tender and nights carousing in the various taberne island. After the departure of Marina and I are dedicated to debunking rgazzi Alisea to prepare for winter. Everything's fine until the last terrible 48 hours (also the story of what you do not expect when you least expect it where you would not expect it at all .... will be the subject of a future post).
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Adult Get Well E Cards
Today they left Marina and the boys. Are once again ...... I just fix the boat and prepare it for towing on Wednesday then I can 'return. It 'been a bellissima crociera, semplice, senza grandi navigazioni impegnative me molto piacevole e ricca di incontri. Come ho gia' scritto, ne raccontero; i dettagli al mio rientro cvorredando anche con qualche bella immagine.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Fairfax County Appraisal District
Per far contenti i ragazzi siamo tornati a Lakki. La cosa non mi fa molto piacere ma va bene cosi'. L'ultima settimana e' stata stupenda, bei posti e tante persone conosciute di cui scrivero' al mio rientro.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Brazilian Wax And Hemroids
Siamo nel Dodecanneso. Non sto aggiornando il blog per pura pigrizia, mi ha preso cosi'......comunque tutto bene, bellissima vacanza. Al rientro conto di pubblicare un post con tutti i dettagli e notizie utili ai naviganti.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Cervical Mucus Before Period
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Speed Boats In Canada For Sale

Il tempo di Banque Populaire V è stato di 3 giorni 15 ore 25 minuti e 48 secondi, che tradotto vuol dire aver coperto le 2880 miglia teoriche del percorso ad una media di 32,94 nodi, più di 12 ore meglio del precedente record stabilito da Groupama 3 nel 2007.
Anche Groupama 3 ha fatto segnare un tempo decisamente inferiore rispetto al precedente primato, tuttavia ciò non è bastato per restare davanti a Banque Populaire né per il record assoluto, né quanto bastava per avere l’onore di essere iscritto nel palmares del detentore del record per qualche minuto."
Monday, August 3, 2009
My Horse And Me Freeware
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Uk Power Of Attorney Responsibilities
Every morning we meet, for the usual course, which was initially
for an hour, but now
hard all morning.
Imad is a punctual, but we must insist
Time, contingencies are in morocco
order of the day, but the €. 25.00 that you take every day, deserves
them all, because there at the disposal
suits and boards throughout the day.
It's always hotter, and the beach is more full.
Now even the camels are struggling to pass
in the crowd, but the sea is beautiful.
The evening sunset is a spectacle, and the temperature
becomes bearable. When you are here, your mind, soul
, physical, regenerates and you can not even think
addition, the economic crisis, the Planning Document, to escort,
at the end of the month, but you enjoy this paradise and momentary
you prepare to tackle the rest after that will be the time to start
the usual daily routine.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Kices Multi Aspirator
temperature reached 42 degrees,
but it was fine.
The waves are higher and it starts to be
too many people. The
best time to surf is always the
early morning or late afternoon when the beach
begins to empty. All
surfer then enter and wait for the right wave,
see the happiness in their eyes, it seems that
do not fatigue, but almost all
incidentally are quite young.
Imad is busy now, and we see only
when a moment's pause, he took me to see
a place about 18 km from Aourir should
called "Tamzarnout" is a few miles from Paradise Valley
is said that this valley has been discovered by
Jimmy Hendrix,
during his stay in Morocco, namely in Essaouira. came from
Essaouira on horseback, and then once
arrived in the area of \u200b\u200bParadise Valley, stopped
within 3 months, where he discovered natural springs, hot and cold
, plants of various kinds and much more.
Now the Valley is still a virgin as before, and is
become a must for all tourists and non
the only thing that there's more is that now there is a sign for the Paradise Valley
and a small wall as income.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Polycystic Ovaries More Condition_symptoms
After a day of fun and hard work, a well-deserved relaxation.
food with music and performances of the place.
Tanit is an exclusive restaurant in area to Aourir,
was born in 2005, an immigrant from the place in France, married a French lady
very kind and decided to return to Morocco
and invest his money and his "savoir faire" in place
he was born, and the result is seen in the typical
place with various Tagine (Beef, Lamb, Goat, Fish and
Camel but also on request), as well as homemade bread in the oven
spot, which is a only goodness, there are an infinite variety of
salad and of course you can not miss the couscous. This
associated with large spaces on 3 levels, cleanliness and hygiene
(European standards, in popular places in Morocco
so hard to find) and the bathrooms large and especially large and clean.
In all 4 people you spend around €. 50.00 for all,
show, tea and gratuity included.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Hip Problems More Condition_symptoms
Morocco surf today was born, I am very happy to share the experiences
travel in Morocco in general and in particular, Surf.
will also try to provide all possible information
for surfing in Morocco, cheaply and because it is 3 hours by plane, it would
like going to Rimini in the car, but then you find the ocean with its waves
wonderful fresh fish to almost zero cost, houses for rent at 200 m from the sea,
and in the end if you do the math is much cheaper than going Rimini.
Approffondiremo more, for those interested.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The Robert Stanley Collection Ribbon

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Before After Brazilian
After a couple of weeks after returning home, also because of problems with pc, I get a series of reflections on the Red Sea.
1 E 'was great fun to go there. Wind Please arrive in a country, Egypt, very special, the Suez Canal, the reefs etc. bariere
2 Surfing the Red Sea, once one is still in one POSR for some months, is not particularly easy. Wind always maintained, hard berths, etc. prohibitions. If you go with a crew consisting of his wife and children, can be challenging
3 December to March, despite being fairly warm during the hottest hours of the day, the temperature drops a lot in the evening and night. Dark to 16,30 / 17,00 which would in the long evenings in the cool / chilly. It is not always favorable climate that would be expected that the exploitation of boat is limited to the excellent spring and summer heatwave.
4 Climb up to Suez is a real ordeal. I had put into the account but it was still very hard.
5 The relationship with the Egyptians is very pleasant on a personal level, if limited to pleasantries and reports related to daily expenses. Other music if you must make arrangements, at stake here enta their tendency to always say yes but then they do things. Everything becomes more difficult and complicated when you have to do even simple things like filling up with diesel.
About 6 diesel is a bad quailtà, dark e sporco crea problemi ai motori come quello che ci ha costretti a fermarci a Wadi Domme per pulire il decanter e cambiare i filtri.
7 Le srutture portuali sono abbastanza buone ed affidabili ma mancano di servizi essenzaili quali travel lift, aree per rimessaggio a terra, meccanicie tecnici che bisogna cercare fuori con tutte le difficoltà del caso.
8 Per quanto mi riguarda la lontananza, la lunghezza del trasferimento e la complessità dello stesso mi hanno costretto a cercare equipaggio fuori dalla mia cerchia di conoscenze. Questo è un punto da mettere a carico di situazioni del genere visto lo scarso entusiasmo che il navigare fuori dalle amiche acque suscita da queste parti.
9 A proposito di equipaggi mi viene da fare una considerazione sul ripetersi di una ormai tradizionale caratteristica. Gli equipaggi di Alisea (con l'eccezione degli ottimi amici che la seguono da anni), si dissolvono come neve al sole. Anche questa volta, pur manifestando soddisfazione per l'esperienza vissuta, pur non avendo avuto almento apparenti contrasti personali, i miei tre membri dell'equipaggio che mi hanno accompagnato fino a Leros sono rientrati in Italia facendo perdere le loro tracce. Sarà Alisea o il suo armatore la causa di cotante fughe? Ci rifletterò.
10 Ultima considerazione. Alla fine di tutto, questa esperienza mi è piaciuta, mi ha fatto crescere, fare esperienza e darmi punti di rilfesisone importanti sull'andar per mare oltre le acque di casa.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Braziian Waxing Hawaii
Sono rientrato a casa, purtroppo!!! Ho lasciato Aisea in secca in cantiere dopo una serie di cure di manutenzione. Andremo di nuovo in acqua ad agosto. Non ho inserito altri post dalla Grecia perchè ho avuto la dabbenaggine di rovesciare un bicchiare di vino sul portatile.........nel quale avevo appena installato un programma di cartografia mondiale CMap che mi è stato letteralmente imposto dal mio amico Gianni (sei l'ultimo dei fessi che ancora girano senza cartografico!!). L'ho utilizzato nel trasferimento da Lakki al cantiere, è carino però vuoi mettere una ella carta nautica? Continuerò sul cartaceo e magari tanto per giocare quando sono in porto mi andrò a vedere le info sul cartografico.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Running Irritated Hair Follicles
Ieri sono partiti i ragazzi che mi hanno accompagnato in questo trasferimento e quindi ora sono solo in barca a "godermi" i lavori di manutenzione. Sono contento di stare un po da solo intanto perchè lavorare sul motore, spaiolare ed altro con persone e cose da spostare in continuazione non è agevole e poi perchè ho un po di giorni per rilassarmi e riflettere. Solitudine comunque relativa visto che qui c'è una piccola colonia di italiani e segnatamente del Circolo Velico Fiumicino che, con la barca in arrivo oggi sarà rappresentato da ben tre imbarcazioni.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Parts Of A Sport Shoe Diagram
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Copd More Condition_symptoms
When sembravca that we got here ... you do not expect the blow. We were relaxed, we started to make tourists and late last night, just for the sake, we went to see the weather. Score: 20 \\ 25 knots on the nose. Ergo, starting at dawn from Rhodes and the first part of the day fairly quiet between sail and motor. Breaking three hours for horde, wind more and more 'with strong gusts that reached well over 30 knots. Luckily we were sheltered and yet we had a beautiful sea hard. We are now in Kos, tomorrow morning last sailed as 25 \\ 30 miles to its destination, the weather forecast? Wind in his face, what else .....
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Butalbital Caffeine Apap Tatev
Friday, June 12, 2009
Wedding Program Thank You Note Examples
We finally you got to Port Said. The ascent of the Red Sea and the Suez Canal and 'finished. The last stumbling block to close the channel for the passage of a military ship. Tomorrow it's off to Rhodes. Time seems to be good even if the wind is' pravalentemente northern winds. In the end all is well so far, also because 'we knew it would be tough but' we had illuisi to succeed with less effort. There were also very beautiful moments. Stops were made in lagoons and fabulous coral reefs, we caught a dorado, a dozen pounds almost as tall as me (I swear, publish 'photos as soon as possible), plus a nice bonito. Now we just have to make the leap of about 400 nm to Greece. In the next post I hope to tell a wonderful sail from Rhodes.