Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Uk Power Of Attorney Responsibilities
Every morning we meet, for the usual course, which was initially
for an hour, but now
hard all morning.
Imad is a punctual, but we must insist
Time, contingencies are in morocco
order of the day, but the €. 25.00 that you take every day, deserves
them all, because there at the disposal
suits and boards throughout the day.
It's always hotter, and the beach is more full.
Now even the camels are struggling to pass
in the crowd, but the sea is beautiful.
The evening sunset is a spectacle, and the temperature
becomes bearable. When you are here, your mind, soul
, physical, regenerates and you can not even think
addition, the economic crisis, the Planning Document, to escort,
at the end of the month, but you enjoy this paradise and momentary
you prepare to tackle the rest after that will be the time to start
the usual daily routine.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Kices Multi Aspirator
temperature reached 42 degrees,
but it was fine.
The waves are higher and it starts to be
too many people. The
best time to surf is always the
early morning or late afternoon when the beach
begins to empty. All
surfer then enter and wait for the right wave,
see the happiness in their eyes, it seems that
do not fatigue, but almost all
incidentally are quite young.
Imad is busy now, and we see only
when a moment's pause, he took me to see
a place about 18 km from Aourir should
called "Tamzarnout" is a few miles from Paradise Valley
is said that this valley has been discovered by
Jimmy Hendrix,
during his stay in Morocco, namely in Essaouira. came from
Essaouira on horseback, and then once
arrived in the area of \u200b\u200bParadise Valley, stopped
within 3 months, where he discovered natural springs, hot and cold
, plants of various kinds and much more.
Now the Valley is still a virgin as before, and is
become a must for all tourists and non
the only thing that there's more is that now there is a sign for the Paradise Valley
and a small wall as income.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Polycystic Ovaries More Condition_symptoms
After a day of fun and hard work, a well-deserved relaxation.
food with music and performances of the place.
Tanit is an exclusive restaurant in area to Aourir,
was born in 2005, an immigrant from the place in France, married a French lady
very kind and decided to return to Morocco
and invest his money and his "savoir faire" in place
he was born, and the result is seen in the typical
place with various Tagine (Beef, Lamb, Goat, Fish and
Camel but also on request), as well as homemade bread in the oven
spot, which is a only goodness, there are an infinite variety of
salad and of course you can not miss the couscous. This
associated with large spaces on 3 levels, cleanliness and hygiene
(European standards, in popular places in Morocco
so hard to find) and the bathrooms large and especially large and clean.
In all 4 people you spend around €. 50.00 for all,
show, tea and gratuity included.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Hip Problems More Condition_symptoms
Morocco surf today was born, I am very happy to share the experiences
travel in Morocco in general and in particular, Surf.
will also try to provide all possible information
for surfing in Morocco, cheaply and because it is 3 hours by plane, it would
like going to Rimini in the car, but then you find the ocean with its waves
wonderful fresh fish to almost zero cost, houses for rent at 200 m from the sea,
and in the end if you do the math is much cheaper than going Rimini.
Approffondiremo more, for those interested.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The Robert Stanley Collection Ribbon

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Before After Brazilian
After a couple of weeks after returning home, also because of problems with pc, I get a series of reflections on the Red Sea.
1 E 'was great fun to go there. Wind Please arrive in a country, Egypt, very special, the Suez Canal, the reefs etc. bariere
2 Surfing the Red Sea, once one is still in one POSR for some months, is not particularly easy. Wind always maintained, hard berths, etc. prohibitions. If you go with a crew consisting of his wife and children, can be challenging
3 December to March, despite being fairly warm during the hottest hours of the day, the temperature drops a lot in the evening and night. Dark to 16,30 / 17,00 which would in the long evenings in the cool / chilly. It is not always favorable climate that would be expected that the exploitation of boat is limited to the excellent spring and summer heatwave.
4 Climb up to Suez is a real ordeal. I had put into the account but it was still very hard.
5 The relationship with the Egyptians is very pleasant on a personal level, if limited to pleasantries and reports related to daily expenses. Other music if you must make arrangements, at stake here enta their tendency to always say yes but then they do things. Everything becomes more difficult and complicated when you have to do even simple things like filling up with diesel.
About 6 diesel is a bad quailtà, dark e sporco crea problemi ai motori come quello che ci ha costretti a fermarci a Wadi Domme per pulire il decanter e cambiare i filtri.
7 Le srutture portuali sono abbastanza buone ed affidabili ma mancano di servizi essenzaili quali travel lift, aree per rimessaggio a terra, meccanicie tecnici che bisogna cercare fuori con tutte le difficoltà del caso.
8 Per quanto mi riguarda la lontananza, la lunghezza del trasferimento e la complessità dello stesso mi hanno costretto a cercare equipaggio fuori dalla mia cerchia di conoscenze. Questo è un punto da mettere a carico di situazioni del genere visto lo scarso entusiasmo che il navigare fuori dalle amiche acque suscita da queste parti.
9 A proposito di equipaggi mi viene da fare una considerazione sul ripetersi di una ormai tradizionale caratteristica. Gli equipaggi di Alisea (con l'eccezione degli ottimi amici che la seguono da anni), si dissolvono come neve al sole. Anche questa volta, pur manifestando soddisfazione per l'esperienza vissuta, pur non avendo avuto almento apparenti contrasti personali, i miei tre membri dell'equipaggio che mi hanno accompagnato fino a Leros sono rientrati in Italia facendo perdere le loro tracce. Sarà Alisea o il suo armatore la causa di cotante fughe? Ci rifletterò.
10 Ultima considerazione. Alla fine di tutto, questa esperienza mi è piaciuta, mi ha fatto crescere, fare esperienza e darmi punti di rilfesisone importanti sull'andar per mare oltre le acque di casa.