Saturday, June 27, 2009

Braziian Waxing Hawaii

Sono rientrato a casa, purtroppo!!! Ho lasciato Aisea in secca in cantiere dopo una serie di cure di manutenzione. Andremo di nuovo in acqua ad agosto. Non ho inserito altri post dalla Grecia perchè ho avuto la dabbenaggine di rovesciare un bicchiare di vino sul portatile.........nel quale avevo appena installato un programma di cartografia mondiale CMap che mi è stato letteralmente imposto dal mio amico Gianni (sei l'ultimo dei fessi che ancora girano senza cartografico!!). L'ho utilizzato nel trasferimento da Lakki al cantiere, è carino però vuoi mettere una ella carta nautica? Continuerò sul cartaceo e magari tanto per giocare quando sono in porto mi andrò a vedere le info sul cartografico.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Running Irritated Hair Follicles

June 28 June 22 June 20

Ieri sono partiti i ragazzi che mi hanno accompagnato in questo trasferimento e quindi ora sono solo in barca a "godermi" i lavori di manutenzione. Sono contento di stare un po da solo intanto perchè lavorare sul motore, spaiolare ed altro con persone e cose da spostare in continuazione non è agevole e poi perchè ho un po di giorni per rilassarmi e riflettere. Solitudine comunque relativa visto che qui c'è una piccola colonia di italiani e segnatamente del Circolo Velico Fiumicino che, con la barca in arrivo oggi sarà rappresentato da ben tre imbarcazioni.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Parts Of A Sport Shoe Diagram

We have finally arrived. At about 10.00 today we entered the bay of Leros. Yesterday, after about ten miles by boat from Kos, we had to repair in the beautiful bay of Vathi south of Kalymnos one reinforcement up to force 7. Lovely place where we spent an afternoon and night ventosissimo calm and relaxed. Today, starting at 6.00 and finish without problems. The magazine has crew return for tomorrow evening, I unfortunately I have to restrain myself until Thursday. Alisea was washed thoroughly, and looks good but needs some work to prepare for the summer cruise.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Copd More Condition_symptoms

When sembravca that we got here ... you do not expect the blow. We were relaxed, we started to make tourists and late last night, just for the sake, we went to see the weather. Score: 20 \\ 25 knots on the nose. Ergo, starting at dawn from Rhodes and the first part of the day fairly quiet between sail and motor. Breaking three hours for horde, wind more and more 'with strong gusts that reached well over 30 knots. Luckily we were sheltered and yet we had a beautiful sea hard. We are now in Kos, tomorrow morning last sailed as 25 \\ 30 miles to its destination, the weather forecast? Wind in his face, what else .....

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Butalbital Caffeine Apap Tatev

June 18 June 16 June 12

At 6.00, exactly 72 hours after the start we made our entrance into the port of Rhodes. Whereas we had always wind from N / W was fantastic. We made the long upwind Vervo N / NE 10/12 hours with mainsail and genoa staysail before recovering to motare And during the nights with no wind. These overnight stops pressure allowed us to do 42 to 72 hours of sailing. The usual tuna caught lying still in the fridge except the generous veneer that we made in carpaccio. Speaking of fish I had promised to publish the photo of dorado caught in the Red Sea, which I do gladly. Now stop for a couple of days later en route to Leros with one stop to be defined. A special greeting to Matilda Rachel and following the events of this transfer being the father on board.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Wedding Program Thank You Note Examples

We finally you got to Port Said. The ascent of the Red Sea and the Suez Canal and 'finished. The last stumbling block to close the channel for the passage of a military ship. Tomorrow it's off to Rhodes. Time seems to be good even if the wind is' pravalentemente northern winds. In the end all is well so far, also because 'we knew it would be tough but' we had illuisi to succeed with less effort. There were also very beautiful moments. Stops were made in lagoons and fabulous coral reefs, we caught a dorado, a dozen pounds almost as tall as me (I swear, publish 'photos as soon as possible), plus a nice bonito. Now we just have to make the leap of about 400 nm to Greece. In the next post I hope to tell a wonderful sail from Rhodes.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

?i-catcher Console - Web Monitor?

June 11 June 6

We are in Ismailia, an intermediate stage of the passage of the Suez Canal. Getting here and 'Stao a real problem. We found the wind and big waves from N all the time. The first two days we had to return the Pima After losing 20 nm and a dozen laseconda and going back to repair coral reefs. Then we can start the evening but during the night reinforced and dawn, the light literally are adapted to "scrape" the west coast to protect us from the waves. After stop to rest a bit more violent gusts and when we resumed the journey sempbrava we were in sight of Suez has given up the dirty diesel engine. Domm en route to Wadi (loss of 5 hours) and arrive in Suez in the night with difficulty 'remarkable to see the mouth of the channel. Last step in front of the marina, we took a ropes in the propeller. Bath cvon the cylinder and the problem resolved shortly. Tomorrow the second stage of the canal to Port Said and Saturday is making his way directly to Rhodes. Purtroppoo skip a stop in Israel for an absolute lack of time 'cause I do not want to risk a siutuazione weather at the moment seems to be faced and there is fault blocks in Tel Aviv. From Saturday we will be at sea at least 3 \\ 4days to make the 400 nm to Rhodes.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

New Business Press Release Sample

Carena pulita, cambusa fatta, pratiche burocratiche espletate, manca solo l'arrivo del gasolio e si parte. Le previsioni sono ottime, pochissimo vento nel Mar Rosso, quasi fermo sul Canale di Suez e poi venti moderati da E/SE in Mediterraneo. Se mantiene questa situazione abbiamo fatto bingo. L'umore è buono, stasera daremo fonda in uno degli atolli all'uscita dalle barriere coralline e poi, o dopo cena o domani mattina facciamo una "lunga" di 160 nm nel canale delle petroliere (non vedo l'ora di fare a sportellate con un cargo liberiano....). Arrivo previsto a Suez domani sera, se ci dice bene dpodomani facciamo la prima tappa del canale. Mantenendo questa situazione siamo in anticipo of 1 / 2 days on the schedule I set for myself. Rather, all more time for Israel and Rhodes.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Gay Cruising Spots In New Jersey


day of work on board (mid-morning nap in the heat unbearable 35/38 °). It 'began with reveille at 5 in a violent blast that made the bathroom and slamming the doors of the cab. Tremendous start of the day because I was afraid that was the beginning of the usual Burian. Instead, he calmed down and now everything is quiet, the weather is good, tomorrow I will have permission to navigation new and perhaps as early as mid-day potrmmo leave for Hurghada based on 25 nm NE beginning of the channel for oil tankers.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pet Ramp For Jeep Liberty

You again!!

Every time this blog is blocked. As I said before sometimes I write only when I have news, and / or some interest or when I write about Alisea. From tomorrow, however, the going gets tough. At 15.20 I start from Fiumicino to Cairo and then go to Hurghada. Working since Friday to prepare the boat in preparation for their transfer to Leros, as always, document writing along the way as soon as I may.